Certainly over the years, unsightly traffic lanes have formed on your carpet or upholstery of your sofa gotten the bright one or the other spot. We are in these cases, your contact with our nationwide service for upholstery and carpet cleaning.
In the area of Hamburg and the Hamburg District we get your carpets as well as like. Also you can benefit in the circles OD and RZ of our pick-up service in the carpet cleaning. Or you can send us your carpet for cleaning as a package – this is for us as if you had even given him and we will provide a 10 % self – bringer discount on carpet cleaning.
What exactly happens during our intensive carpet cleaning?
After we have taken your carpet in our carpet laundry in reception, he is thoroughly dusted in our carpet-beating system. Vibrations generated over waves , sand and coarse dirt is shaken out – the ideal preparation for the actual carpet cleaning. Subsequently stains are pre-treated on the carpet by hand. Only then can we ensure that in the carpet cleaning and https://sites.google.com/view/instagramviewer every spot is completely removed. Then soaked the entire carpet with water and our special detergent. The dirt is dissolved and washed out soft brush . Any residue from detergents are thoroughly rinsed in carpet washing.
To remove the absorbed water from the carpet, the spin wave comes in carpet cleaning used. The carpet is then fixed, and the water thrown out by the movement of the shaft. In order to be able to pass a clean and completely dry carpet after carpet cleaning , it will be hung in our drying room.
In addition to carpet cleaning, we also offer you the regressing emulsification of your carpet , upholstery agreement and also the moth removal during active infection and the preventive treatment.